For centuries that have passed, this art and often considered as health practice called acupuncture has been a common practice in Asian countries. This elucidates the grandeur as well as the complexity of pinning needles in different parts of the body for different reasons like pain relief and treatment of health issues. The basic effect of acupuncture on infertility is regulating a person's blood pressure through the proper stimulation of our central nervous system. It largely stimulates the production and release of endorphins that help inhibiting the pain and neurohormones and neurotransmitters that allow for the body to heal by itself.
Acupuncture on infertility is also seen as one effective means to treat infertility concerns particularly that of hormonal imbalance. The hormone levels are regulated accordingly by increasing the blood flow on various vital organs as it regulates the body system as well. Furthermore, it helps improve all the important functions of the ovaries as well as follicles. The endometrium is generally responsible for thickening the uterus lining which benefits from acupuncture because of increased blood flow. A specific infertility treatment like IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is also largely aided to increase its success rate. In fact, a number of specialists now offer acupuncture as an element that's part of IVF treatment. This becomes quite noticeable in the developments done in the process of transferring the embryo which results to success in pregnancy. Another specific concern of infertility that can also be cured by acupuncture is having spasmed tubes. It's done by making these spasmed tubes into de-spasmed ones. Moreover, there are also lots of other infertility issues that can be effectively treated by acupuncture like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, elevated follicle stimulating hormone, repeated pregnancy loss, idiopathic infertility, luteal phase defect, hyperprolactinemia, and sperm DNA fragmentation.
Naturally, the body is capable of healing its self and acupuncture further enhances this capability. In this case, the more you treat yourself to acupuncture the healthier it is for you. Women who are to undergo IVF treatment or donor egg transfer, they are often subjected to acupuncture about 3 to 4 months before the said process. Acupuncture is also advised to women before and after they undergo the embryo transfer. This is for the purpose of enhancing the the therapeutic effect as well as the different infertility cures. Basically, fertility treatments bring about stress on the person undergoing it. The best remedy for this is acupuncture. because acupuncture has a lot of ways to add to the treatment of infertility, it is highly advisable for couples who are suffering from this type of concern to give each option a shot.
Acupuncture also has some risks but are very minimal. However, miscarriage can occur when acupuncture is done improperly on a pregnant woman. This makes it important to make sure that acupuncture is only done by a certified acupuncturist who is very well capable and specializes in the said therapy. A more advanced type of acupuncture called electro-acupuncture is used to inhibit pain in labor. There is a decreased need for hospitalization which helps a person to save instead of incurring further expenses.
Above all else, recent research studies have revealed that the right mix of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and traditional medicine serve as the ultimate formula to cure infertility. In a lot of cases, acupuncture and herbal medicines are considered to be more effective with the help of course of traditional medications. - 30526
Acupuncture on infertility is also seen as one effective means to treat infertility concerns particularly that of hormonal imbalance. The hormone levels are regulated accordingly by increasing the blood flow on various vital organs as it regulates the body system as well. Furthermore, it helps improve all the important functions of the ovaries as well as follicles. The endometrium is generally responsible for thickening the uterus lining which benefits from acupuncture because of increased blood flow. A specific infertility treatment like IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is also largely aided to increase its success rate. In fact, a number of specialists now offer acupuncture as an element that's part of IVF treatment. This becomes quite noticeable in the developments done in the process of transferring the embryo which results to success in pregnancy. Another specific concern of infertility that can also be cured by acupuncture is having spasmed tubes. It's done by making these spasmed tubes into de-spasmed ones. Moreover, there are also lots of other infertility issues that can be effectively treated by acupuncture like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, elevated follicle stimulating hormone, repeated pregnancy loss, idiopathic infertility, luteal phase defect, hyperprolactinemia, and sperm DNA fragmentation.
Naturally, the body is capable of healing its self and acupuncture further enhances this capability. In this case, the more you treat yourself to acupuncture the healthier it is for you. Women who are to undergo IVF treatment or donor egg transfer, they are often subjected to acupuncture about 3 to 4 months before the said process. Acupuncture is also advised to women before and after they undergo the embryo transfer. This is for the purpose of enhancing the the therapeutic effect as well as the different infertility cures. Basically, fertility treatments bring about stress on the person undergoing it. The best remedy for this is acupuncture. because acupuncture has a lot of ways to add to the treatment of infertility, it is highly advisable for couples who are suffering from this type of concern to give each option a shot.
Acupuncture also has some risks but are very minimal. However, miscarriage can occur when acupuncture is done improperly on a pregnant woman. This makes it important to make sure that acupuncture is only done by a certified acupuncturist who is very well capable and specializes in the said therapy. A more advanced type of acupuncture called electro-acupuncture is used to inhibit pain in labor. There is a decreased need for hospitalization which helps a person to save instead of incurring further expenses.
Above all else, recent research studies have revealed that the right mix of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and traditional medicine serve as the ultimate formula to cure infertility. In a lot of cases, acupuncture and herbal medicines are considered to be more effective with the help of course of traditional medications. - 30526
About the Author:
Want to find out more about Acupuncture and Infertility, then visit Linda Golden's site on how to choose the best Methods to Cure Infertility Naturally.